Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Update - April 2020

Wow.  I cannot believe that it has been four months since my last update on the blog.  Even though I haven't been posting videos in a long time, at least I've been keeping up with the videos in the Septuagint series.

What is the reason I haven't been posting many videos?  A lot of the blame is on me.  I have been slacking.  But the reason behind that slacking is a good one.  I may have mentioned in a previous post that I've been going through some significant life changes over the last 3 years.  In order to recover from those change, it would be justifiable to take this long.

It's not that I don't have a plan.  I have a plan for the next 20 or more videos.  The next video is on what the Pre-Nicene Christians believed about the Name of God.  It is the last video in the series on God the Father.

What's my plan to get these videos done?  That is, what is my plan to stick to my plan?  Recently, I discovered that I do best when I SCHEDULE my daily stuff.  So I'm going to schedule a regular time for me to work on this channel.  And if I do that, I expect that the next video will be done this month!

Blessings and so forth.


  1. I just found your channel. I have been studying church history and came across what appears to be a rich wealth of information presented nicine. I so enjoyed the history of the creeds that your channel would be a most important link to the fourth century.

    I am curious where you are coming from. So far I am not disappointed. In any of the content or the sources you have used or scriptures or your comments.
    Can you give me a little background?
    The Didaache does caution about sound orthodoxy.

    1. Thank you for commenting!

      Because the Pre-Nicene Christians/Church officially ends at the Council of Nicaea and because there is already a TON of information to digest from that period, I have decided that this channel will only focus on the time of the church--before the Councils.

      I would be happy to share more about where I'm coming from. I would prefer to do it by email than in a comment section. Feel free to email me at

      Regarding the Didache, I know feel that I was too harsh in those criticisms of it. The videos says there are errors in the Didache. No, there are not errors. There are just a couple minor things that only appear to be different from Scripture.

      God bless you!
