Friday, April 1, 2022

Update - Apr 2022

Since my last update two months ago, I have been working on more material.  I have been working on the next video (which might become two videos), Early Christianity on the Deity of Jesus.

For some reason, perhaps the Holy Spirit or my own interests, I have been researching what the early Christians believed about Revelation.  It is a topic that I feel would be VERY beneficial for Christians today.  With what seems like hundreds of modern-day interpretations on Revelation, hearing how the early Christians interpreted Revelation's symbolism and prophecies will probably be worth considering.  From what I have read, the early Christians had a different interpretation on Revelation than ANY modern-day interpretation.  Again, I don't know of the Holy Spirit wants me to research this topic or if it is my own interest, but I am feeling passionate to continue researching what the Pre-Nicene Christians believed about Revelation.

In the end, I'm really, really thankful that I have found time to work on this channel lately.  :)