Monday, August 1, 2016

Update - August 2016

Septuagint Series
It's done!  It took so long, but I'm so happy with how the series turned out.  I received a lot of comments from folks who found my channel because of these videos.  There are many out there who already knew the value of the Septuagint Old Testament.  I'm so happy to be able to share all that knowledge about it.

Israel trip
My trip to Israel went fantastic.  It couldn't have been more perfect.  It was a trip of a lifetime that will cause me to read the Scriptures in a whole new way.  I don't plan to share much about the trip on my channel, but I wanted to share this as an excuse as to why it will be a while until my next video.

Chronology of the Jews under Persia
This will be my next video.  I'm hoping to have it done by the end of August.  It will arrange all the Scriptures from the Persian period in chronological order.  It will also go into details regarding these questions:

-Who is Sheshbazzar in Ezra 1?
-Who is Ahasuerus in Esther?
-When did Malachi prophesy?