Monday, June 1, 2020

Update - June 2020

Where has Post-Apostolic Church been?  Most days, I don't even know.  I have full intention of releasing more videos.  Folks are still discovering this channel and have been commenting how much they appreciate it.  When I see those comments, it reminds me that I really ought to get back into the grind and make more videos!  For many months now I've been saying that opportunity to do that is getting closer and closer.  And it still is.  If the Lord wills, this channel will return to releasing new content again.

In the meantime, I have continued to check and respond to many emails and Youtube comments.  I'm still alive and ready to serve viewers!

There is one big plus lately.  A preacher and friend of mine asked me to join him on his podcast.  He asked me to bring early christian quotations about racism, to share about how the early Christians opposed racism.  It was a few weeks ago that we scheduled to record this podcast... before the recent events surrounding the murder of George Floyd.  The timing was very, very appropriate.  After the podcast is finalized and posted, I will share it on this blog.  I am very thankful for the opportunity to share early Christianity and even more thankful for the opportunity to speak out against racism.

Blessings and so forth.