Friday, September 11, 2015

Methodius of Olympus (Full Script)

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Methodius of Olympus
Post-Apostolic Church

Methodius wrote around AD 290.  He was an overseer in Olympus in Asia Minor, modern-day Cirali, Turkey.  Later he was overseer in Tyre.  Methodius died a martyr under the persecutions of Emperor Maximinus Daia around AD 311.


Methodius is known for having strongly disagreed with some of the teachings of Origen.

Victorinus of Pettau (Full Script)

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Victorinus of Pettau
Post-Apostolic Church

Victorinus lived in Pettau, modern-day Ptuj, Slovenia around AD 280.

He was martyred during the persecutions under Emperor Diocletian.


Victorinus wrote commentaries on at least nine books of the Bible, but the only work that has survived in its entirety is his work on Revelation.  He was the first to see a repetitious pattern in Revelation.  He believed that each pattern, or cycle, runs parallel to the other.  That is, Revelation tells the same story seven times with increasing degrees of intensity.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Archelaus of Cashar (Full Script)

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Archelaus of Caschar
Post-Apostolic Church

Archelaus was an overseer in Caschar in Roman Mesopotamia around AD 277.  The location of this ancient city has been lost.


His work, The Disputation of Archelaus with the Heretic Manes, is a record of the debate between Mani and himself.  Mani was a Persian philosopher and founder of Manichaeism.  Manichaeism was a religion that was a mixture of Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Gnosticism.

Anatolius of Laodicea (Full Script)

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Anatolius of Laodicea
Post-Apostolic Church

Anatolius of Laodicea wrote around AD 270 and was an overseer in Syrian Laodicea, modern-day Latakia, Syria.

Anatolius was born and raised in Alexandria.  He was extremely knowledgeable about many things such as the teachings of Aristotle, geometry, astrology, and math.

When Zenobia, queen of the Palmyrene Empire besieged a section of Alexandria and when many people in the city were dying from the famine, Anatolius persuaded the Romans to allow many people to defect and join them in the Roman section of Alexandria as refugees.  Through this, Anatolius gained great honor among the people because he helped many Christians and non-Christians escape starvation.


Among his writings that have survived is a work about when to celebrate Pascha, that is, Christ's resurrection.  We also have a portion of his book about mathematics.