Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Update - December 2019

Apparently, this blog has not seen an update in 3 months.  Here, this will be a big update!

November was a landmark month for this channel.  Over the last 6.5 years, this channel has gained 9,000 subscribers.  For reasons unknown, before the end of November, it has about 16,000 subscribers!

What could have caused 7,000 folks to subscribe to this channel in one month's time?  I wish I knew.  But I'm certainly thankful that this has happened!

Over the last 6.5 years, I have read every comment and responded to as many as I can.  But with this many new views and subscribers, comments are being posted quicker than I have time to respond to them.  Therefore, as of this month, I will continue to read all comments but will respond to only a few of them.  Honestly, this wasn't something I ever wanted to say.  But as the channel is seeing so much more traffic, it is necessary to scale back the number of replies on comments.

Here is a graph showing the spike in subscribers this month.  Before the spike, the channel was seeing about 40 new subscribers per day.  Now that the spike is over, the channel is seeing about 70 new subscribers per day.

Given all this, this tells me that I need to get back into making new content.  The future of this channel is planned out.  All that is left is to push forward into the early Christians' beliefs and writings.  Though the plan is there, there is a lot of research still to do.  And the month of November re-motivates me to continue this ministry!

Please pray for the future of this channel, that God's grace and providence will allow this channel to continue sharing the history and faith of Pre-Nicene Christianity.  To those reading this, God bless you!

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