Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Update - Dec 2021

Today's post will be more of a personal blog than usual.

I had a really good Fall.  A lot of really great things are happening in my life.  And it wasn't just because it was the Thanksgiving season.  There are SO MANY things I am thankful to God for!  I think back to my last bi-annual update video.  I talked about how I have been going through those significant and difficult life changes.  The more time between me and those difficult times, the more God is growing me and the more He is blessing me.

For a long time, I have had the desire to share more videos on this channel.  While the desire is there, life is still getting in the way.  I'm not complaining, because it is all good things now.  But as my life continues, I see more and more opportunity to work on this channel.

Yes, I have been working on the next series of videos... on what the Pre-Nicene Christians believed about God the Son.  As I research it, the topics I want to cover are spread over so many of their writings.  As I dive into them, I find that it is better to gather all the quotations at one time, then divide them up into videos.  This means that there is much more research before I can share the next video in the series on the Divinity.  But this also means that once I share the first video, the other videos will be nearly complete.  Once I continue this series, the videos will come quickly.

Of course, I will continue to post videos on the Septuagint twice a year.  I have finished the next 3 videos in the Septuagint series.  The next video will be posted in February.

This month, thanks to the holiday season, I will have 9 days full days when I can work on more videos.  When I'm ready to share my January update on this blog, I hope to have some great things to share about how future videos are going.

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